Super Fun Day at the Beach

We took the kids for a short trip to the beach at the Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside recently.

Oh yes, it was super fun! From scooping sand to splashing water, the beach offers endless sensory stimulation and a wide variety of learning opportunities.

First, let’s start with helping to ensure the beach is clear from any rubbish or other possibly dangerous or sharp objects.

Done cleaning. What’s next? PLAYtime!

Wonder what is there to strategise. Girls. Hmm.

Ohh.. nak main masak-masak rupanya 😉

Drawing on the sand can be pretty relaxing and stress-free. No need pencils!

Ever so willing to be buried. Awesome girl!

Wow. The sand flows out easily.

Looking for tiny crabs maybe?

How about some limbo? You guys rock!

Picnic time

Blessed to have this nice beach so close to our school. Alhamdulillah.

One for the album. So glad we came here.

Good bye beach, will visit you again, InshaaAllah.

Post-trip conversation on the way back:

But teacher, why can’t we jump in the water? 😉


Ok kids, do bring your swimming suit for our next water activity ok? Beach party next!

Field Trip – May 2017

School Trip May 2017

Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Putrajaya Wetlands
All 4 years old kids from  P14, P16D, P16F, P11 and BSP.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
KL Bird Park
All 5 and 6 years old kids from P16D and P16F.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
KL Bird Park
All 5 and 6 years old kids from P14, P11 and BSP.

Kids Go Shopping!

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

― Benjamin Franklin

And here we are, taking the kids out for shopping at various places including the hypermarket, grocery shop, bookshop & the wet market! Now, let’s list down what do they LEARN out of this trip, shall we?

  1. Shopping manners (excuse me, please & thank you!)
  2. Writing the shopping list  (wants vs. needs)
  3. Reading the product label (checking expiry date and looking for Halal logo)
  4. Direction – finding way to the aisle of specific item
  5. Money (checking & comparing the price)
  6. Counting & weighing
  7. Observing healthy vs. unhealthy food
  8. Spending within the budget
  9. Opportunity for interaction & conversation
  10. Language & vocabulary (new words)
  11. Practical problem solving
  12. Using all the senses to experience shopping – touching, smelling, squeezing, shaking, and looking at the items

Shopping with kids might involve a little extra planning, and the shopping might take a little longer, but it is well worth it, InsyaAllah, given the benefits they will gain from this exposure.

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Hope you enjoy looking at the photos as much as we enjoyed the shopping trips! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Oh The Places We Go! ~ May 2013

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. – Dr.Seuss

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Putrajaya Equestrian Park

Muzium Alam Semulajadi, Putrajaya

Muzium DiRaja Kuala Lumpur

Planetarium Negara, Kuala Lumpur

5 different places, 220 kids, 2 ERL trips, 3 chartered buses = RMxxxx.
Experience + Knowledge = PRICELESS.

Alhamdulillah.. Thank you Allah for the opportunity!

More photos at our Facebook