Annual Sports Day 2016



Alhamdulilah.. done with our Sports Day this year. Beautiful weather, FUN-tastic games, awesome sportsmanship, great moments… couldn’t ask for more!

Check out our photos!


#PLAYmatters! #AlifCeriaSportsDay2016 #weloveoutdoorPLAY

Perubahan Tarikh Hari Sukan Tahunan 2016 (updated)

Update 1 April 2016: Hari Sukan Tahunan 2016 terpaksa DITUNDA ke 30 Julai 2016 berikutan keadaan cuaca yang terlalu panas. Mohon maaf atas segala kesulitan yang timbul. Harap maklum, terima kasih.


Hari Sukan Tahunan yang dijadualkan pada Sabtu, 23 April 2016 telah diubah kepada tarikh berikut:

Tarikh: Sabtu, 16 April 2016
Masa: 8.30 pagi – 12.30 tengahari
Tempat: Padang Kompleks Kejiranan Presint 16, Putrajaya.

Sehubungan dengan itu, tarikh cuti gantian untuk Hari Sukan juga diubah kepada Isnin, 18 April 2016 (semua tadika ditutup).

Harap maklum.

Kursus Asas Bacalah Anakku 13 Feb 2016

“Literasi bukanlah satu anugerah, ia adalah hak setiap kanak-kanak”.

Alhamdulillah, we are done with our first event for 2016; “Kursus Asas Bacalah Anakku”. The event was held on 13 February 2016 at the Auditorium, Kompleks Kejiranan Presint 16 and was made compulsory for all new parents to attend. We were honoured to have the Bacalah Anakku authors themselves; Pn. Nik Eliani Nik Nawi and En. Othman Ahamad to deliver first hand knowledge to Alif Ceria parents on the techniques in teaching kids to read.

It is very crucial that the reading method used at home is the same as what is being taught at the kindergarten (Alif Ceria is adopting the phonics method). This is to avoid confusion, hence fasten the learning process. It was also stressed that when teaching kids to read, it is best to do it in a playful and happy environment. Remember, kids learn best when they are happy!

Some photos taken during the event..

IMG_3914 IMG_3915 IMG_3925 IMG_3929IMG_3932 IMG_3934 IMG_3940 IMG_3943 IMG_3946 IMG_3948 IMG_3949

Thank you parents for making the time to come and learn. Semoga ilmu yang diperolehi bermanafaat dan diamalkan.. InsyaAllah.

Registration is now opened for EXISTING PARENTS of 2015 (4 and 5 years old kids) starting from 6 July 2015.

Registration is now opened for EXISTING PARENTS of 2015 (4 and 5 years old kids) starting from 6 July 2015.

Parents who wish to continue their kids’ schooling at Tadika Alif Ceria in 2016 are required to renew the registration online at

Please be informed that registration for new siblings, Transit Ceria and for new parents will only be opened on the following dates:
Siblings of existing kids: 1 August 2015
Transit Ceria (renewal): 1 August 2015
New registration (first time enrolment-Tadika Alif Ceria & Transit Ceria)‎: 17 August 2015.

However, new parents are advised to make an appointment for a short briefing on our learning curriculum and also the Registration Terms & Conditions. Appointment can be made starting 3 August 2015 by contacting the following centres:
Presint 14 – 0388935431
Presint 16 – 0388614919
Presint 16(2) – 0388935110
BSP – ‎0351034535

Places are limited and on first come first serve basis.