Look What We Did in 2012: Active Play

Creating a positive, loving environment and making the school a happy place to learn has always been a challenge to all early childhood educators. These two important points are our goals when planning out the kids’ activities to meet the objectives in our preschool curriculum. And when it comes to kids, we believe that the best way to have fun while learning is through PLAY! Let’s take a peek at some of the “PLAY = Learn” activities at Alif Ceria this year:

GrainsPLAY = Textures & Hand-eye Coordination
StrawPLAY = Hand-Eye Coordination & Construction
SandPLAY = Sensorial & Measuring
StickyboardPLAY = Imagination
BoxPLAY = Measuring & Construction
Do it yourself-PLAY = Coordination
WaterPLAY = Phonics
Do it yourself-PLAY = Food Nutrition
MindMapPLAY = Creative Thinking

KitchenPLAY = Listening Skills (Following instructions)
KitchenPLAY = Practical Life Skills 
ManipulativePlay = Patterning
ManipulativePLAY = Construction
RolePLAY = Maths and Money
RolePLAY = Confidence
PretendPLAY = Imagination (“Where would you like to go?” asked the driver) 
BubblewrapPLAY = Sensorial
PLAYdoh = Fine Motor Skills
StrawPLAY = galah? Hand-eye coordination

Opps.. where are the books? Does that mean our kids are not learning at school? What do you think is the answer? 🙂 

2012 Photo Timeline: Part 1

Today is the last day of 2012 school session. MasyaAllah, time flies real fast this year, indeed! Our apologies for not updating this blog as frequent as before but InsyaAllah, we have another channel of getting quick information and updates, especially for our dear parents, through our Facebook.

2012 has been a great year, Alhamdulillah.. Let’s have a look at series of events that took place at Alif Ceria this year from early February till May 🙂

Maulidur Rasul Celebration – February 2012

Staedtler Colouring Contest – February 2012
1st Parents Meet – March 2012
‘Flash & Dash’ Surprise Visit – March 2012
Dentist Visit – April 2012
Annual Sports Day – April 2012
Hari Bomba Putrajaya – May 2012
ReadNetwork Reading Competition, KLIBF – May 2012
Gardenia Factory, Shah Alam – May 2012
Mini Aquarium, Shah Alam – May 2012
Taman Warisan Pertanian – May 2012

Part 2 – June to Nov coming up soon, InsyaAllah!

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan!

Ramadhan is coming soon, 
Coming soon, coming soon,
Ramadhan is coming soon,
Time to fast and pray…

When you see the thin new moon,
Thin new moon, thin new moon,
When you see the thin new moon,
We’ll celebrate and play…

The joy of Ramadhan was already in the air since the beginning of last week. Even if majority of the kids will not be fasting, multiple activities were conducted to engage the kids in celebrating and learning more about the Holy month. 

Beside singing the above song (sung to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb”), we play, read, write, count, draw, colour everything about Ramadhan, MasyaAllah! It is no surprise when our parents were wondering why “Ramadhan” was on the lips of their children when they come home, Alhamdulillah. Here are what we did last week:
First, we made the Ramadhan card.
Parents will find this beautiful card (art work done by the kids, MasyaAllah) complete with fasting niat and du’a for Iftar, InsyaAllah. Alhamdulillah, we have practiced reciting and memorizing the niat and du’a at school together with the English translation and we hope that the card will come in handy to the other family members especially when our little khalifah insists in leading the recitation, InsyaAllah 😉
We also learnt and did practical solat terawih, Alhamdulillah.
Next we have some kurma (dates) tasting session.
We started with the counting and later everyone was given a bite of kurma to taste. Some loved it and some made funny faces when tasting the date. But when it was mentioned that our idol, Rasulullah saw loved to eat kurma, the kids put all efforts to finish the date, Alhamdulillah! 
Then we decorated our Ramadhan Sadaqah Box.
Our intention is to educate our young khalifah on the concept of sadaqah, for Ramadhan is the month of giving, caring and sharing, and our idol, Prophet Muhammad saw was generous like a wind especially during Ramadhan. The box will be put out at the front door during drop-off and pick-up time, InsyaAllah. Parents are encouraged to talk about sadaqah with their children and may get them to drop a little contribution in the sadaqah box. All contributions will be donated to an orphanage fund, InsyaAllah.
We have also prepared tags for fasting kids.
It is to encourage the kids, especially the 6 years old, to practice fasting even if for a few hours. Kids wearing this tag will be given a “special treatment” during break and lunch time InsyaAllah 😉
And finally on Friday, the last day of Sya’ban, the Ramadhan Chart were distributed to the kids.
For each day that they fast, they will receive a sticker to put on the chart ;-). Hours do not count but efforts do. They are also reminded that fasting is for Allah, and Allah will reward them more if they fast, InsyaAllah.
It was indeed a very heartwarming sight, watching the children doing all the activities and at the same time rejoicing the coming of Ramadhan. MasyaAllah, at a very young age, Ramadhan is already close at heart even though fasting is not yet an obligatory for them. It is in our prayer that these young children will benefit from all the activities and grow to be good Muslims, InsyaAllah.
Salam Ramadhan Kareem and Selamat Berpuasa from all of us at Tadika Alif Ceria. May Allah make it easy for us to perform the ibadah and accept our fast and all the good deeds, Amin!

Our 2nd Ihtifal and Year End Concert

We have come to the end of the year, time flies so fast, Subhanallah! To honour the group of Class 2011, our 2nd batch of graduates, a momentous occasion was held last Saturday, 22 October 2011 at Dewan Kompleks Kejiranan Presint 9, Putrajaya.

This group of graduates will always be remembered in a special way. Looking back 2 years ago, they started with hesitant tentative little steps with cloud of anxiety all over their little faces. Alhamdulillah, over the years, they gathered the courage to brave through the doors to play, sing, build, paint, draw, colour, read, write and learn. Through the power of play, these amazing kids have grown socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually, Masha Allah!

Class of Na’im & Ma’wa
Class of Khuldi

Congratulations Little Khalifah, we are so proud of you!

* more photos of the event coming up.. 

Look what we did: To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia

Happy 54th Independence Day, Malaysia! 
May Allah bless our country and grant us the strength, unity and patience so that we could all live in peace and harmony. Amin. 
Map of Malaysia by 6 years old students (KG2 Naiim and KG2 Na’wa)
Jalur Gemilang Collage by 5 years old students (KG1 Adni)
Paper Art- People of Malaysia by 5 years old students (KG2 Adni)
Handprints of Future Leaders by 4 years old students (KG1 Firdaus)