Alhamdulillah, parents and teachers of Tadika Alif Ceria gathered again for the 2nd Parents Meet this year which was held on Saturday 16 July 2011. The parents were briefed on their children’s progress based on the evaluation instruments prepared, guided by the Ministry of Education’s standard instruments. The instruments marked levels of a child’s achievement in all aspects namely reading and writing abilities, cognitive skills, communication skills, socio and emotional development, physical development, Islamic knowledge and overall akhlaq and values.
Parents were also presented with reading certificates for their children who have successfully completed the Bacalah Anakku and Read Easy series.
Proud parents of Muqri (5 years old) with their son’s Bacalah Anakku certificate.
1) Muqri’s mom, Puan Suhaila Sulaiman wrote in her testimonial form: “Muqri has shown excellent progress in his ability to communicate his thoughts and to interact well with people around him. His reading skill has also improved greatly. I am also happy with the Islamic approach implemented that has shown a good and positive impact in Muqri’s daily activities. Thank you to all the teachers at Tadika Alif Ceria.”
Alhamdulillah, thank you for all the kind words and let’s pray to Allah for His blessing and opportunities for us to work harder in giving the best to the children, InsyaAllah.
More testimonials from the parents can be read here.