All posts by Alif Ceria

Guess what we are making?

It’s Ocean week and guess what we are making?

A jellyfish in a bottle!
You only need:
  • Recycled plastic grocery bag
  • Thread or strings
  • Recycled plastic water bottle
  • Water and a few drops of blue food colouring
  • Scissors

And here’s how to do it:

  1. Cut the handles off the plastic bag so that you have a plain square of plastic.
  2. Now tie a section off with the string to make the jellyfish’s head.  
  3. Cut the remainder into strips for the jellyfish’s tentacles.
  4. Push the jellyfish into the empty bottle.
  5. Fill the bottle with water, add a few drops of blue food colouring.
  6. Squeeze the bottle or tip it upside down to make the jellyfish swim up and down inside the bottle.
Easy peasy! It’s science, it’s craft time and it’s fun! Try it! 😉

Look what we did: Having a blast with BOXES!

The theme of the week is “Buildings”. Put away the Lego blocks kids… we are going to build using BOXES! London Bridge, KLCC, KL Tower, Eiffel Tower, you name it, we build it!
And there are a lot of other things to do with boxes, look how much fun we’re having!

London Bridge
Hide and seek!


Tower race


Throwing boxes


Hit the boxes


Ahh..I missed it!


Box relay race


Train boxes


What is our strategy?


Catch the ball!


See…I can fit in the box!


Push or pull?


I am as tall as the boxes


My body is flexible!


From the smallest to the biggest
How many small boxes can we fit into the big one?

Awesome, right? Alhamdulillah…

Well done, Teachers!

Alhamdulillah, just recently, in conjunction with the National 56th Independence Day, we held “1Malaysia Scrap Book Competition” (for Teachers, not kids ya!;-)). The main objective is to assess teachers’ understanding in overall concept of integrated learning method used at all Alif Ceria centres.

Other criteria in judging and selecting the winner for the competition are subjects integration in the craft projects, technique used, material usage and project appropriateness according to kids’ level/age group. 
Though the teachers admitted that it was very tough to be “right-brainers”, the outcomes were superb! Just look at the awesome crafts, MashaAllah! Thumbs up, teachers!

Congratulations to the winners. It was surely a good learning experience in our effort to become better educators, InsyaAllah. May Allah swt reward you greatly for your efforts and pure intentions in nurturing the kids.. Amin Ya Rabbal’alamin… 
p/s We are recruiting new teachers to join our team! If you are a committed Muslimah with passion to nurture young children age 4 to 6 years old, fluent in English, able to read Jawi, creative and independent, come and join us! Email us your resume to and don’t forget to write a simple cover letter stating your interest ya! :-). 

Happy Birthday Malaysia!

Our “Stripes of Glory” project with subjects integration at its best:-  Shapes and colours, BM sukukata, English vocabulary, ejaan/spelling, mathematics (counting, pre-number concept, numbers) sensorial, fine motor skills, art and crafts, humanity, writing, Arabic (colours), general knowledge and last but not least, being thankful to Allah for this peaceful country we live in, Alhamdulillah!

Happy 56th birthday Malaysia! We love you!